Whole30 FAIL – 3rd Time is NOT a Charm!


This is how I feel

I started my 3rd whole30 on May 2nd and I think I stuck to it that first day and that’s about it. I thought for sure it would be super easy this time since I’ve done it a couple times before, but this time I’m really struggling and I just don’t feel motivated. These past few weeks have been really hard, a lot has happened and I was under a tremendous amount of stress. Now that things seem to be leveling out a little, I still just can’t seem to get into it. I want to do it but it’s just not working out.

I need help and motivation!!!

Scrambled Egg and Sausage Bake

After a realllllly long day at work (people don’t mess around when they want their coffee – Starbucks will WEAR YOU OUT), I didn’t feel like making a big dinner and I was craving some comfort food. So, what’s more comforting than breakfast for dinner and cheese?! I browned some Italian sausage with onions and zucchini and then scrambled in 2 eggs and 1 egg white. Once it was all cooked through, I put it in an oven safe dish and sprinkled some part skim mozzarella on top and put it under the broiler for a few minutes. It was so good and just what I was wanting!

I have some good news too! My best friend just gave birth to her first baby. I am so excited, she was a couple weeks early so it was a little unexpected but a very nice surprise. AND my birthday is coming up. I feel like a little kid (I’m turning 27) when my birthday is approaching because I get so excited, not sure why. Anyways, the countdown has begun!


So I borrowed a Jack LaLanne juicer from a friend today and made my first juice!

I know it doesn’t look amazing and I’m not gonna lie, it didn’t taste amazing either. But it was good and it felt good to drink it. I think it would be better cold and it’s an acquired taste I’m sure. This juice has 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1/3 of a cucumber, and 1/2 of a romaine heart. Next week, I’ll get some better things like beets, ginger, kale, grapefruits, lemons, etc.

Today Is A Good Day!

I’m starting my gym membership today! Excited to hit the gym and watch the transformation begin!

I haven’t been on here much lately, we’ve been so busy so I haven’t been cooking, we’ve been going out for dinner mostly, but I’m proud of myself because I continued to make healthy choices at the restaurants. For example: Burger with no bun, topped with bacon and an egg and a side salad instead of fries, A chicken taco salad with extra lettuce instead of beans, a beef and chicken stir fry with extra veggies instead of noodles. And it was all delicious!

I didn’t get any pictures though.

I’ll update tomorrow about my first day at the gym!

Finally Caught Up! (& FOOD!)

So things around here finally seem to be getting back to normal. With all the craziness, I haven’t really been focusing on my diet like I should be so I am getting back into that!

I am now 100% sure the cause of my many years of acne, it’s DAIRY! I know this because when I did the vegan diet, my skin completely cleared up more than it had ever been, during the move and the process of getting settled, I started eating dairy and I broke out like crazy! I went back off of it and my skin cleared back up, in just a matter of days!

I’m very happy and relieved to finally know the cause, and I’m also trying not to be bitter towards the countless number of dermatologists and doctors I’ve seen and the countless number of pills and creams I’ve tried. If you suffer from acne, I highly recommend going off dairy!

Okay, onto the food! So I’m back to my no/little dairy, no red meat, low carb diet and tonight I made:

Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Chicken Meatballs with a simple salad and sauteed zucchini

These were so amazing and easy to make, I used fresh basil which makes all the difference in the world! The salad dressing was goddess dressing from Trader Joe’s and yes, there is feta cheese on my salad but that’s the only dairy I had all today and probably will be the only dairy I have for the next week. The zucchini is seasoned with olive oil, parsely and basil. It didn’t need any salt at all.

Here are a couple other things I made during the last month:

Zucchini “pasta” with meatballs and marinara and Parmesan cheese

Baked fish with herbs and butter, sweet potato fries and asparagus

If you guys ever want the recipe for anything I make, then please let me know! I’d love to share it with you!


Falling Behind…

It’s been a crazy two weeks, I moved across country a week sooner than planned, I had to pack everything and quit my job and only had two days to do it all! I’ve been a little stressed, okay a lot stressed and it’s something I’m learning how to deal with. I’ve never done well with stress but I’m getting better. Anyways, I’m back home in the NW and will have a real post for you all soon!