Bacon Parmesan Yogurt Dip


I made this veggie platter for a friends baby shower and made this delicious dip! I used the same base that I used for the chicken I made the other night. All I added was some minced garlic, green onion and bacon!

It is SO good!

You should try it!

Finally Feeling Better!

I haven’t had the flu for awhile and having it this past week made me hope that it’s another long while before it comes back. It was horrible!

Finally got back to the gym and healthy eating, I’m back on the bandwagon and it feels good!

Chicken with spinach, tomatoes and onions

Salad w/ feta and homemade ranch, ground Italian chicken sausage, mustard greens, onions and tomatoes

Changing It Up!

I’ve decided to change it up, my diet and exercise routine have not been as good as they should be.

Everytime I’ve lost weight, it’s been from some fad diet. And sure, they worked. I lost weight each time and I lost it fast. But I also always gained it back and gained it back just as fast.

So I’m just going to be smart about it. Eat less. Eat less bad stuff and more good stuff. It’s common sense!

My goal is to eat about 1200-1500 calories per day and burn at least a total of 2500 calories per week. I want those calories to be mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. And less carbs, less fat, less sugar and less processed foods.

So far so good! I’ve been doing this for about 2 days and I lost a pound. I think I figured out how to completely beat my plateau!

Anyways, here is a little of what I’ve eaten in the last couple days:

Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt w/ a little splenda, blueberries and raw cashews

About 2 cups raw spinach, 1/4 of a zucchini and one chicken breast(I had this twice, one time I poured hot plain chicken broth over the top and the second one is the next picture)

I used the above spinach, zucchini, chicken mixture and poured the sauce from Chicken Paprikash over the top

I still use some of the Atkins shakes and bars, about one a day – either for breakfast or lunch.

My current weight is 218.6, I’m so close to my goal!

Fresh Basil and Feta Chicken Meatballs

So good! Similar to the Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Chicken Meatballs I posted awhile back… these were better!

I used one pound of ground chicken and added:

Fresh basil


Feta Cheese

Parmesan Cheese

1 egg

Fennel seeds


Mixed all the ingredients together and cooked on stoneware at 400 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

I mixed mine in some creamy tomato sauce and served with sauteed veggies on the side.

Low Carb Veggie Wrap

I like things a little spicy and full of flavor and this was a perfect lunch! I sauteed yellow, orange and red bell pepper with onion in a little olive oil and added some red pepper flakes, garlic and s&p towards the end. I like the veggies to be crisp so I only cooked them for a few minutes.

I then took a low carb tortilla and spread a tiny bit of hummus on it, added some spinach leaves and piled on my cooked veggies, so good!

Roll it up and eat it! You won’t regret it!

You can add chicken and it would make a perfect dinner! This would be good with some eggs on it too, breakfast burrito!

Smoked Sausage and Mustard Greens

This has to be one of the easiest things to make! I wasn’t sure what to make for dinner so just grabbed the sausage from the fridge and chopped it up and started browning it in the pan, added sliced onions, 2 chopped tomatoes and spinach and mustard greens. It was so good! The smoked sausage gives tons of flavor and makes it rich. It was filling and satisfying!